Join and Become a Member
Dakota Rural Action is a member driven, democratically run, non-profit and non-partisan grassroots organization. Farmers, ranchers, small-business owners, parents, students, and outdoor enthusiasts have all made DRA their organization for taking community action on important state-wide and local issues.
Memberships fund everything from lobbying at the state and national level - to supporting our chapter community-based objectives. Members take action in events, outreach and supporting campaign activities.
Annual member benefits include:
Bi-monthly newsletter Action Review
Annual Legislative Guide and Weekly Updates during SD Legislative Session
Leadership training, workshops, and fun social gatherings
Information, action alerts, and fact sheets on issues important to you
Opportunity in grassroots organizing leadership positions
Take part in the Action!
Your Support helps us organize, lobby and educate the public about local issues that you care about. You can...
Become a DRA Member
Join your Local Chapter
Buy a non-profit DRA License Plate
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